Created by Physiotherapist, Pilates instructor & Movement Specialist, Marion McRae, Movement Solutions offers unique approaches for healing stubborn body pains which refuse to respond to traditional rehabilitation. Marion's diversity of qualifications combines the benefits of mindset techniques, movement and emotional strategy to deliver wholistic pathways to healing.
Students LOVE this Approach
Here's what previous Clients are saying ...
"Doing so much better with the exercises you gave me and after circus (lots of trapeze too). Wanted you to know how much just focusing on my feet and body has changed my life". Many Thanks
Ben Andrews
I have more movement and less pain than I have had in three months - Thanks Bony Elbows
Tony Weightman
Thanks for a really interesting insight into the world of feet Marion. A lot of the words & concepts were all new to me so it would be great to follow up now with a consultation with you to find out more about how to customise these concepts for my own body.
Breanne Skennar
Let's Find a solution for YOU
As a physiotherapist, with over 25 +years working in the industry, I have figured out some short cuts I would like to share. There are so many myths about pain, which I help my client's to re-examine, re-explore and eventually replace with more empowering ideas.
Healing stubborn pain is possible when you have strategy and commitment and a BELIEF that it is possible. I know many people suffer with body aches and pain and I firmly believe it is simply because they have never been provided with an integrated approach which acknowledges that how you THINK and how you FEEL affects how you HEAL.